
Theoretical Study of Interaction between Apalutamide Anticancer Drug and Thymine by DFT Method

SIYAMAK; Shahab; MASOOME; Sheikhi; MEHRNOOSH; Khaleghian; SHAMSA; Sharifi; SADEGH; Kaviani Institute; of; Physical; Organic; Chemistry; National; Academy; of; Sciences; of; Belarus; 13; Surganov; Str; Minsk; 220072; Republic; of; Belarus; Institute; of; Chemistry; of; New; Materials; National; Academy; of; Sciences; of; Belarus; 36; Skarina; Str.; Minsk; 220141; Republic; of; Belarus; Belarusian; State; University; IS; El; BSU; Minsk; Republic; of; Belarus; Young; Researchers; and; Elite; Club; Gorgan; Branch; Islamic; Azad; University; Gorgan; Iran; Young; Researchers; and; Elite; Club; Islamshahr; Branch; Islamic; Azad; University; Islamshahr; Iran; Department; of; Chemistry; Robat; Karim; Branch; Islamic; Azad; University; Robat; Karim; Iran; Department; of; Chemistry; Ferdowsi; University; of; Mashhad; Mashhad; Iran

關(guān)鍵詞:apalutamide thymine dft elf nbo 

摘要:The main purpose of this study is a better comprehension of the non-bonded interaction between an anticancer drug apalutamide and deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA).In the prese nt work,the in teraction between an ticancer drug apalutamide and one of the DNA bases called 2,-deoxythymidine 5,-monophosphate(thymine)by Density Functional Theory(DFT)calculations in the solvent water has been investigated for the first time.The non-bonded interaction effects of the molecule apalutamide with thymine on the electronic properties,chemical shift tensors and natural charges have been also detected.The natural bond orbital(NBO)analysis was performed for determining the role of electron donor and acceptor of the molecules apalutamide and thymine at the complex thymine/apalutamide.Both Electron location function(ELF),localized orbital locator(LOL)and quantum theory of atoms in molecules(QTAIM)analysis were carried out in order to determine the chemical bond nature in the investigated compounds.The values of ELF and LOL parameters for the selected bonds are small,which confirms the non-covalent character of these bonds in nature.The electronic spectra of the apalutamide drug,thymine and complex thymine/apalutamide in solvent water were calculated by Time Dependent Density Functional Theory(TD-DFT)for the investigation of interaction effect;Non-bonded interaction between the compound apalutamide and thymine has changed the value of λmax.










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