Journal of Earth Science雜志是由教育部主管,中國地質大學主辦的一本CSCD期刊。
Journal of Earth Science雜志創(chuàng)刊于1990,發(fā)行周期為雙月刊,雜志類別為科學類。
Journal of Earth Science雜志是由教育部主管,中國地質大學主辦的一本CSCD期刊。
Journal of Earth Science雜志創(chuàng)刊于1990,發(fā)行周期為雙月刊,雜志類別為科學類。
Magazine introduction
《Journal of Earth Science》創(chuàng)刊于1990年10月, 是由教育部主管、中國地質大學主辦的綜合性地學學術理論期刊。
《Journal of Earth Science》堅持黨的基本路線,提倡“雙百”方針,報道地學頂尖科研成果,交流地學創(chuàng)新學術思想, 實現(xiàn)“科教興國” 和科技期刊“可持續(xù)性發(fā)展”戰(zhàn)略。
《Journal of Earth Science》的辦刊宗旨是以反映中國地質大學教學與科研創(chuàng)新的、高水平的基礎地質、應用地質及資源與環(huán)境地質科研成果為主要任務,以促進國內外地學學術交流、繁榮我國地質教育、地質科技與地質找礦事業(yè),為我國社會主義四化建設服務為目的。
《Journal of Earth Science》刊登內容主要包括:地層、古生物、巖石、礦物、構造、地球化學、應用地球物理、礦床地質、能源地質、找礦勘探、水文地質與工程地質、環(huán)境地質、災害地質、探礦工程、數(shù)學地質與遙感地質、應用地球物理, 信息工程等新理論、新技術、新方法及地學領域的邊緣、前沿學科的創(chuàng)新的、高水平的學術論文。
《Journal of Earth Science》自創(chuàng)刊以來, 得到眾多國內外地學及相關領域專家教授的高度贊譽。 特別是三本英文專輯在第三十屆國際地質大會上交流后,許多學者認為該學報英文版反映了中國地學研究的水平, 其內的許多論文達到國際先進水平。
目前, Journal of Earth Science與國際上100個國家地區(qū)的出版機構和學術團體建立了長期的訂購和贈閱交換關系。該刊曾榮獲“北京市科技期刊評比全優(yōu)獎”, 被國際著名檢索系統(tǒng)《化學文摘》(CA)、日本《科學技術文獻速報》(CBST)、俄羅斯《文摘雜志》(PЖ)、《GeoRef》(美國地質科學光盤數(shù)據(jù)庫)等以及國內多種文摘期刊收錄。 為學校“211”工程建設與發(fā)展發(fā)揮了重要的作用。
欄目設置: 基礎科學 天文學 地球科學
Magazine introduction
1.Manuscripts are to be written in English and double spaced. The original and two copies of the manuscripts together with the originals and two sets of copies of the figures should be submitted for review purpose. Papers are not to exceed 8 000 words nor to contain more than 7 figures and tables. Large figures and tables should be avoided, and their widths should generally be either 8.0, 16.5 or 24.0 cm. Each illustration should be clearly drawn and lettered.
2.The SI units of metric system should be used.
3.State secrets are not to be released. Authors take full responsibility for their papers.
4.We accept only unpublished, original papers and claim first right of publication. Papers unsuitable for our publication will be returned promptly.
5.Manuscripts should be organized in following order: (a) Title; (b) Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s); (c) Abstract (no more than 200 words) and key words (no more than 6); (d) Introduction; (e) Methods, techniques, studied material and area descriptions; (f) Results; (g) Discussion; (h) Conclusions; (i) Acknowledgments; (j) Explanation of plate; (k) References cited; (l) Tables; (m) Figure captions.
The following sequence should be used:
a.Free-standing capitals, bold, at the margin
b.Free-standing lower-case, bold, at the margin
If a further subdivision is needed, 1, 2, 3, etc., or (1), (2), (3), etc., or a, b, c, etc., should be used.
References Cited
All references cited to publications made in the text should be presented in a list of references following after the text. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors’ names and publication dates are exactly the
same in the text as in the reference list.
If reference is made in the text to publications written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be given, followed by “et al.”. This indication, however, should never be used in the list of references. In this list, names of the first three co-authors followed by “et al.” should be given.
References in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names and chronologically per author.
The following system should be used for arranging references.
1.For periodicals
Chough, S. K., Barg, E., 1987. Tectonic History of Ulleung Basin Margin, East Sea (Sea of Japan). Geology, 15(1): 45–58
2.For books
Shrock, R. R., 1948. Sequence in Layered Rocks. McGraw-Hill, New York. 507
3.For multi-author books
Sun, S. S., 1984. Geochemical Characteristics of Archean Ultramafic and Mafic Volcanic Rocks: Implication and Evolution. In: Kroner, A., Lansor, G. N., Goodwin, A. M., eds., Archean Geochemistry. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 25–46
4.For edited symposia, special issues, etc., published in a periodical
Fox, P. J., Ruddiman, W. F., Ryan, W. B. F., et al., 1971. The Geology of the Caribbean Crust, I. Beata Ridge. In: Heezen, B. C., Kosminskaya, I. P., eds., The Structure of the Crust and Mantle beneath Inland and Marginal Seas.
Tectonophysics, 10: 495–513
Periodical names should be given in full or abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations. In addition, in referring to a personal communication the two words are followed by the year, e.g. “(MeNary, J., personal communication, 1968)”.
Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. If possible the information should be corporated in the normal text. If used, footnotes should be indicated by asterisks and kept as short as possible. If references are given in footnotes, full bibliographic data must be given in the list of references, not in the footnote.
All manuscripts should be governed by above information. Otherwise, publication of articles can be seriously delayed because of corrections.
Magazine introduction
Magazine introduction
Magazine introduction