
Study on Compositions of Grain Starch and SGP-1 Protein in Black Grain Wheat

Yaning; MENG; Qiaqia; WANG; Yelun; ZHANG; Suque; LAN; Guangwei; LI; Xingpu; LI; Dongyue; GU Institute; of; Cereal; and; Oil; Crops; Hebei; Academy; of; Agriculture; and; Forestry; Sciences/Hebei; Research; Station; of; Crop; Gene; Resource&Germplasm; Enhancement; Ministry; of; Agriculture; China/Hebei; Laboratory; of; Crop; Genetics; and; Breeding; Shijiazhuang; 050035; China; Institute; of; Cash; Crops; Hebei; Academy; of; Agriculture; and; Forestry; Sciences; Shijiazhuang; 050051; China; Guantao; County; Agricultural; and; Animal; Husbandry; Bureau; Guantao; 057750; China

關(guān)鍵詞:wheat amylose amylopectin 

摘要:In view of the lack of wheat genetic resources with high amylose and high resistant starch contents in the present world,the grain starch components and SGP-1 (SGP-A1,SGP-B1 and SGP-D1) protein composition of 43 black-kernel wheat genetic resources such as Jizi 439 were identified by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis detection.The results showed that 11 materials were lack of SGP-A1,and no materials had SGP-B1 and SGP-D1 deletion.Seven materials were identified to have an amylose content more than 30% of the total starch.A total of 12 materials were selected for the determination of resistant starch content,and five materials were found to have a high resistant starch content.The above results lay a foundation for wheat breeding for high resistant starch content.










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