
Polygenic Heritability of Rose Root Rot Disease Resistance in Offspring of Rosa multiflora

Defeng; ZHUANG; Lianhua; LI; Ce; MA; Fumitada; NAGAOKA; Yoichi; ASANO; Koji; KAGEYAMA; Masaki; OCHIAI; Hirokazu; FUKUI Liaoning; Research; Institute; of; Cash; Crop; Liaoyang; 111000; China; International; Cooperation; Liaoning; Academy; of; Agricultural; Sciences; 84; Dongling; Road; Shenyang; 110161; China; Faculty; of; Applied; Biological; Sciences; Gifu; University; Yanagido; Gifu; 501-1193; Japan; Flower; Festival; Commemorative; Park; 1584-1; Seta; Kani; 509-0213; Japan; River; Basin; Research; Centre; Gifu; University; Yanagido; Gifu; 501-1193; Japan

關(guān)鍵詞:inheritance pythium helicoides resistance rose 

摘要:Rose root rot disease caused by Pythium helicoides Drechsler has brought heavy damage to cut rose production in Japan,and it has became apparent that Rosa multiflora showed resistance to this disease.Roses have been bred by interspecies crossing with Rosa species including of R.multiflora,and many progenies of R.multiflora have been bred as determined cluster-flowered roses.However,the genetic architecture of this resistance remains.So,in this study,four kinds of R.multiflora and 21 rose cultivars that have been clarified in the cross-fertilization genealogy with R.multiflora were used as plant materials,and the inheritability of resistance to root rot disease was investigated.Four kinds of R.multiflora had all high resistance,and the resistance to root rot disease in R.multiflora was inherent characteristic of species.Five varieties not less than 50% in relatedness with R.multiflora were shown as varied ‘resistant’ and ‘moderately resistant’.Therefore,the inherent resistant characteristic in R.multiflora was not controlled by single major gene,and the resistibility in R.multiflora was not cytoplasmic but nuclear heredity.Although there was significant negative relation between relative root rot severity and relatedness with R.multiflora,the variance of relative root rot severity had tendency to expand as relatedness with R.multiflora reduced.This result,therefore,indicated that the contingency of resistance expression increased as the relatedness with R.multiflora was reduced.The varieties having low degree of relatedness with R.multiflora had similar relative root rot severity with R.multiflora.These results indicated that we would be able to select resistant roses from progenies crossed with R.multiflora.










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