關(guān)鍵詞:qtl wheat quality related traits
摘要:Development of wheat varieties with high yield and good quality has been a major objective in wheat breeding.A BC 1 F 2-3 population was used to detect QTLs for wheat quality related traits: SDS-sedimentation value (Ssd),grain protein content (GPC),grain hardness (GH) and 11 mixograph parameters,as well as five agronomic traits: spike length (SL),spikelet number per spike (SPN),grain number per spike (GN),thousand-grain weight (TGW),and plant height (PH).A total of 44 putative QTLs were detected in the present study,31 for quality parameters and 13 for important agronomic traits,including three important major QTLs.One major QTL for Ssd QSsd.saas-1B.1,linked to barc137,explained on average 21.1% of the phenotypic variation in three environments.The allele increasing Ssd at this locus also significantly increased GN.The second locus on chromosome 1B with the linked marker Barc 61 was a major locus for mixograph parameters.It explained 21.3%-32.5%,24.3%-30.6%,30.6%-37% and 20.1%-22.7% of phenotypic variation for mixing tolerance (MT),weakening slope (WS),midline peak time (MPTi) and midline time x =8 value (MTxW),respectively.The third major QTL,explaining above 40% of plant height variation,close to Rht-B 1 on the short arm of chromosome 4BS,co-located with QTL for quality and yield-related traits.