關(guān)鍵詞:solubility nacl kcl peg400 phase
摘要:Phase equilibria for the NaCl/KCl-PEG400-H2O aqueous ternary systems at 298 K were studied using an isothermal dissolution method.In addition,the densities and refractive indices were determined.The corresponding phase diagrams,as well as the density vs.composition and refractive index vs.composition diagrams,were plotted.Results revealed that over the entire PEG400 composition range studied at 298 K only 1 liquid phase was obtained,without the formation of a biphase region.The phase diagrams of these 2 systems consist of 1 homogeneous area with unsaturated liquid (L) and an equilibrium area containing the solid phase of NaCl/KCl and the saturated liquid phase (S+L).The solubility of NaCl/KCl decreases with the addition of PEG400 at 298 K.
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